Drivers For Change Programme

Our Drivers for change programme developed from the Coastal Graduated Driver Licensing Programme operating in the rural area to meet the needs of rangatahi in Gisborne.


The programme is designed to for young people between the ages of 16 and 25, specifically those who have come into contact with the nz police or justice system and are at risk of offending or reoffending


It provides a kaupapa maori model to support young adults t achieve their driving, personal goals and provide the following:

  • Support to get learners , restricted or full license and defensive driving.
  • Support around alcohol and drug counselling
  • Pastoral support


Te Pae Mahutonga framework as the basis of the programme highlights well-being as it relates to:

  • Leadership
  • Autonomy
  • Health
  • Cultural identity
  • Participation in society
  • Environmental projections


The journey starts for the rangatahi with the registration meet and greet where their goals, aspiration for life is explored over a coffee, tea or milo. Their first drive with an I-endorsed training instructor gives them insight into their driving skill base and other challenges they face with their driving .


Block booking of testing at least a month out enabled them to have time to organize the practice drive on one day and the test on the other day.

Celebrating their success had a ripple on the families who participated and the wider community.